

可用性: 海湾公园和哈蒂斯堡公园


Biology is the scientific study of life, living organisms, interactions among living organisms, and interactions among living organisms and their environment. Biology is a broad field with many applications and potential job opportunities, including such diverse areas as medicine, wildlife management, biotechnology, genetics, behavior, 保护、古生物学和种群动态. 这个项目的学生是 provided flexibility to focus on certain areas of biology, namely microbiology, biomedical 自然科学、环境生物学或生物教学.

请求的信息 Apply



The Biology curriculum builds a foundation in organismal biology, genetics and cellular biology, physiology, and ecology as well as chemistry, physics, and statistics. 学生 then have flexibility in choosing specific courses  that are tailored to fit specific 的职业目标. Laboratories, field studies, and internships train students with practical skills, writing and speaking ability, and critical thinking to be more competitive in the job market and to prepare them for professional school or post-graduate studies.

The College offers the Stephen Hatten Pre-Medical Externship for pre-medical students and a comparable Pre-Dental Externship for pre-dental students. 顾问也可以 帮助学生寻找其他实习机会.

Opportunities for research are available in almost every area of biology for both 荣誉和非荣誉本科生. 除了教师资助的研究外 Mississippi IDeA Network of Biomedical 研究 Excellence (INBRE) and USM's Drapeau Center for Undergraduate 研究 fund a number of research projects and summer activities.

The School has dozens of scholarships for students in biology, some specifically tailored 对于不同的重点(如.g.(医学预科,牙科预科,微生物学),家乡,或 学习年份.

伯利兹热带生态学考察- 2周,1月闭会期间

This program will consist of two weeks in the field during the January intersession in Belize,  where you will study tropical flora and fauna in several different ecosystems: 珊瑚礁,稀树大草原,雨林和红树林沼泽. 你将与 groups working on the conservation of plants and animals in Central America and with 从事自给农业的当地人. 学生将获得3小时的BSC 404LCA课程 或BSC 504LCA.

英国研究课程- 4周,夏季

学生 who participate in this Biogeography course will earn 6 hours of GHY 499ca 或GHY 599ca,同时真正了解伦敦这座城市. 他们会离开这里 study abroad experience, no longer a tourist, but as an experienced traveler who understands and appreciates the rich human history and environmental evolution that created this 非常复杂的城市. 最简单地说,伦敦只是一个河畔小镇, and the class material will begin at the end of the last ice age, when the River Thames broke through the Chiltern Hills and started flowing down its current path. We will then look at centuries of changing biogeography and human settlement patterns starting with the Romans and continuing through the development happening presently. Along the way, we will encounter wars, diseases, fires, as well as stories of natural and 人类的韧性使伦敦成为今天的全球城市. 学生将达到 this understanding through historic map analysis, and a series of walking tours and 野外远足. Then, for the last week of the course, we will travel to Edinburgh, 苏格兰. 学生 will compare and contrast the landscape of northern Great Britain to that of southern England, and see first-hand the vastly different human-environmental 塑造了爱丁堡和伦敦的历史.

暑期国际实习项目- 7周

Gain professional experience and earn six credits of BSC 492ca by interning in Dublin! 今年夏天与一群USM学生一起去爱尔兰旅行.  你会了解都柏林 和爱尔兰的工作文化.  然后,在接下来的六个星期里,你会 spend 32 hours per week working in a field corresponding to your field of interest. 


"Interning abroad is easily one of the best decisions I have ever made. 作为一个生物学家 sciences major, I was offered to intern at the Irish Heart Foundation, where I cultivated 与专门的医疗保健协调员建立终身关系.  我不仅做了 personal connections with the people I worked with, but I was able to experience a 我以前从未接触过的医疗保健的另一面.  我意识到有多少工作 really goes into patient care after hospital discharge, and I have a new appreciation 对于像他们这样的组织.  我相信有了更深的了解的各种 formats of patient care will help me to better treat my future patients, working as 医师助理.  如果再给我一次机会,我不会这样做 犹豫着说“是”!——麦迪逊·特拉罕

To learn more about any study abroad program, visit StudyAbroad.USM.edu. 


Our biology faculty teach and do research using a wide variety of organisms, scales, 和技术. Our faculty work on viruses and bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals, work at the molecular and biochemical level to the ecosystem level, and use techniques ranging from molecular biology and bioinformatics to field studies and laboratory 操作. Major research facilities in the biomedical sciences and in organismal 生物学和生态学是可用的.

关于普通生物学,生态学的问题 & 有机生物学,联系博士. 麦克·奥尔福德 Mac.AlfordFREEMississippi 或浏览JST 308.

For questions regarding Biomedical Sciences or Microbiology, contact Dr. Dmitri Mavrodi at Dmitri.MavrodiFREEMississippi 或浏览jst1013.


生物科学(牌照)B.S. 九游会国际的项目 is designed to meet the licensure standards set by the Mississippi Department of Education.  九游会国际 cannot determine whether a particular licensure program meets requirements for licensure outside of the State of Mississippi. 学生 seeking licensure in another state are advised to contact the appropriate licensing board in that state to determine specific requirements of guidelines for reciprocity. 有关各州教育部门的列表,请参阅 U.S. 教育部网站-国家联系 page.

For questions regarding the Licensure program, please contact 埃里森 Downing at 埃里森.DowningFREEMississippi





博比链技术中心(TEC), 103室





  • 医学、牙科和生物医学研究
  • 高中和大学教学
  • 保育与生态
  • 生物科技及实验室管理
  • 食物或环境生物学
  • 湿地划定及修复
  • Dr. 凯西·里德,2001年
    Assistant Vice President of STEM Education Policy, Association of Public & 土地赠与 大学
  • Dr. 约书亚R. Ennen 2009
  • Dr. Aimée K. 托马斯,2010
    Assistant Professor of Biology and Assistant Director of the Office of Teacher Certification, 罗耀拉大学
  • Matthew Reudelhuber, 2006
    美国环境保护专家.S. 海岸警卫队
  • Dr. 阿曼达·珀金斯,2005年
  • Dr. 艾米丽L. 伯克,2000



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